Transcrevendo áudio em texto com Whisper AI

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Uma boa saída é usar o Google Docs e sua ferramenta “digitação por voz”. Com ela você pode deixar o vídeo rolando enquanto o docs transforma o áudio em texto. Você talvez preciso de Virtual Cable (aqui) para ligar virtualmente a saída de áudio do pc ao microfone dele e ainda precisa esperar toda a duração do vídeo/áudio pois tudo ocorre em tempo real.

Outra maneira é utilizando a WhisperAI, que faz parte do OpenAI. Ela é mais rápida e pode deixar rodando em segundo plano enquanto faz outras coisas.

Utilizei para testei um vídeo de uma reunião em português, mas esqueci de tirar screenshots e documentar. O vídeo tinha 29 minutos e levou cerca de 7 minutos para ser transcrito.

Testei também o vídeo do youtube The ‘5-STEP SETUP’ every guitarist should know (aqui) que baixei usando aqueles conversores online… O vídeo de aproximadamente 18 minutos precisou de apenas 2 minutos para ser transcrito gerando o seguinte:

100%|█████████████████████████████████████| 1.42G/1.42G [00:27<00:00, 56.0MiB/s] Detecting language using up to the first 30 seconds. Use --language to specify the language Detected language: English [00:00.000 –> 00:05.720] this guitar sounds great and it plays good but I want it to play great and
[00:05.720 –> 00:10.560] there’s two more guitars with some issues that I can easily fix I want my
[00:10.560 –> 00:14.080] guitars in their best shape and I guess you feel the same about your guitar so
[00:14.080 –> 00:18.480] here’s my five-step foolproof method of setting up guitars at home so they play
[00:18.480 –> 00:23.400] and sound like a dream but beware what we’re about to do is extremely dangerous
[00:23.400 –> 00:29.280] and can seriously damage it it’s not dangerous at all everyone can do this
[00:29.280 –> 00:34.360] with very little tools even and the best of it all it’s free for this video I’m
[00:34.360 –> 00:38.160] assuming your guitar has no major structural flaws like tormented necks
[00:38.160 –> 00:42.560] cracks or other weird issues and if so it may still very well be safe but as
[00:42.560 –> 00:48.360] you just bring it to a luthier instead you’re okay other than that let’s get
[00:48.360 –> 00:54.080] started and we’re gonna have a look at this Novo Saris
[01:10.120 –> 01:14.000] the first thing I noticed was that the action was a little bit too high for my
[01:14.000 –> 01:19.000] own preference I like it low so the action is the distance measured from
[01:19.000 –> 01:24.480] the bottom of the string to the top of the fret and for this generally goes the
[01:24.480 –> 01:29.820] lower the easier is to play but when you get too low the worse it’ll sound notes
[01:29.820 –> 01:34.640] will sustain less long notes can fall dead and we can introduce fret buzz we
[01:34.640 –> 01:38.840] don’t want any of that so it’s a delicate play between playability and a
[01:38.840 –> 01:43.360] good sound if you want to go the easy route we can just see if lowering the
[01:43.360 –> 01:47.860] saddles will fix everything and we’re back to shredding in no time so we’re
[01:47.860 –> 01:53.880] measuring the gap at fret 12 or a method that’s generally a little bit better we
[01:53.880 –> 02:00.120] put a capo on fret 1 and we measure the gap at fret 17 this way we eliminate the
[02:00.120 –> 02:05.960] nut height of the guitar so we get a more accurate read generally both
[02:05.960 –> 02:10.120] measurements will give you the same results so the following is very
[02:10.120 –> 02:14.160] personal what I like my action on the sixth string the thickest to be around
[02:14.160 –> 02:19.320] one and a half millimeters and for the high string goes around one millimeter
[02:19.320 –> 02:23.160] on the left we see the measurements in millimeters the metric system on the
[02:23.160 –> 02:27.280] right the imperial system in inches but I gotta admit I never measure the action
[02:27.280 –> 02:30.480] at all you should always try for getting a good playing guitar and not try hitting
[02:30.480 –> 02:34.660] a number but if you’re new to measuring or setting up the action it may be a
[02:34.660 –> 02:38.240] very good indication of getting in the right ballpark so usually you will see
[02:38.240 –> 02:42.360] higher values recommended so don’t take this as an advice but getting a guitar
[02:42.360 –> 02:46.160] that plays like butter often makes it sound like butter too but feel free to
[02:46.160 –> 02:49.840] go a little bit higher if that feels right for you anyway I’m lowering the
[02:49.840 –> 02:55.240] saddles of the bridge with this Allen wrench don’t overdo it try half a turn
[02:55.240 –> 02:59.600] at first on this guitar we can adjust every single string so I’m gonna do that
[02:59.600 –> 03:03.760] right now and I’ve got some more experience with this I’m just doing a
[03:03.760 –> 03:09.040] whole turn from the get-go and see how that sounds always remember how much you
[03:09.040 –> 03:13.400] turn so you can go back to the original position you started from if everything
[03:13.400 –> 03:17.960] goes south that goes for every adjustment we make in this video always
[03:17.960 –> 03:22.640] write it down how much you change so you can always go back so a whole turn on
[03:22.640 –> 03:27.680] every screw depending on the kind of bridge it can look different on the
[03:27.680 –> 03:31.840] Gibson tunamatic bridge you only get two adjusting points I now lowered the
[03:31.840 –> 03:35.880] action to retune the guitar
[03:41.920 –> 03:48.000] Wow I think the action is a little bit too low for my own preference actually
[03:48.000 –> 03:51.800] but still no dead spots
[03:54.160 –> 03:58.000] that’s how I check just play the chromatic scale every and I suggest
[03:58.000 –> 04:02.840] always checking for buzz with an amp a little bit of buzz without an amp isn’t
[04:02.840 –> 04:11.600] that bad if it’s not amplified you won’t hear it playing on an amp see so now I’m
[04:11.600 –> 04:16.520] measuring just below one and a half millimeters on the sixth string the
[04:16.520 –> 04:24.200] thick the low E string and around one millimeter on the high E I’m happy with
[04:24.200 –> 04:28.600] this I may do some refinement off-camera but I’m very close to how I
[04:28.600 –> 04:32.360] like it for acoustic guitars it’s a little different for this adkin acoustic
[04:32.360 –> 04:36.280] I’m measuring an action of just above three millimeters and you guessed it
[04:36.280 –> 04:40.720] that’s too high for me so I’m carefully taking out the saddle of the bridge and
[04:40.720 –> 04:46.720] going to sand it down twice the amount I want the action to be lowered so I’m
[04:46.720 –> 04:52.400] taking off around the 1.5 millimeters of the saddle you can use a file or sand
[04:52.400 –> 05:00.720] paper or both and make sure to check in between I’m happy I’m finishing it off
[05:00.720 –> 05:09.120] with the finest sandpaper I’ve got place it back let’s see that’s two and a half
[05:09.120 –> 05:12.320] millimeters perfect
[05:16.560 –> 05:21.240] but this isn’t always how it goes so sometimes you find that the slots in the
[05:21.280 –> 05:26.120] nut aren’t filed down deep enough especially on the lower end guitars this
[05:26.120 –> 05:30.740] happens a lot this makes playing in the lower register very hard because the
[05:30.740 –> 05:36.120] strings are so far apart from the frets the only solution for this is get a set
[05:36.120 –> 05:44.400] of slot files and fell them down till it feels great but be careful because you
[05:44.400 –> 05:48.360] can’t go back easily you can with some glue and some residue but it’s very hard
[05:48.360 –> 05:52.080] and also you gotta have the right movement and the right angle so it’s a
[05:52.080 –> 05:57.280] tricky thing you might want to see a luthier for this anyway but sometimes
[05:57.280 –> 06:01.080] when you think everything is right you still can’t get the action low enough
[06:01.080 –> 06:06.120] without introducing dead notes or fret buss and this is a time we take a look
[06:06.120 –> 06:10.620] at the neck and now we’re off to guitar number two because that guitar has that
[06:10.620 –> 06:16.840] issue let’s get the Gibson SG so when I took this Gibson home I changed the
[06:16.840 –> 06:24.080] strings and after doing so a few notes fell dead on the lower part of the neck
[06:24.080 –> 06:34.920] you see over here is good over here
[06:37.560 –> 06:43.120] okay some might be very scared of seeing guitar like this and actually it hurts
[06:43.160 –> 06:48.920] my heart a little bit too the neck was almost perfectly straight that’s the way
[06:48.920 –> 06:54.800] the guitar tech from that shop had it set up and I guess the new strings had a
[06:54.800 –> 06:59.320] different kind of tension on the neck and that causes this issue so let’s get
[06:59.320 –> 07:03.240] to it if you’re as fond as guitar bending as I am you know that the string
[07:03.240 –> 07:06.280] pull of just one string can be pretty high already but just imagine putting
[07:06.280 –> 07:11.800] all those strings on the neck all trying to bend the neck forward and you can
[07:11.840 –> 07:16.520] imagine putting heavier strings or thinner strings on heavily impacts that
[07:16.520 –> 07:22.440] tension on the neck so now let’s introduce the truss rod it’s a rod
[07:22.440 –> 07:26.840] running in the neck that we can adjust so we can get the neck in the perfect
[07:26.840 –> 07:33.720] position so what is perfect well the neck can basically be in three states it
[07:33.720 –> 07:37.400] can be perfectly straight which is tricky to get right but isn’t necessarily
[07:37.720 –> 07:46.880] bad it is how this guitar was set up a back bow which is always bad and an up
[07:46.880 –> 07:51.400] bow and this is what we want a real minimal up bow so the string can ring
[07:51.400 –> 07:56.480] freely when it’s threaded on the neck when the guitar is tuned up a string is
[07:56.480 –> 08:01.320] always is always perfectly straight so when the neck has a slight up bow there
[08:01.320 –> 08:05.360] should be a little bit free play between the string and the frets in the middle
[08:05.400 –> 08:11.280] so let’s put a capo on fret one again so it’s not only made for wonderwall also
[08:11.280 –> 08:15.840] for guitar tacking if I now fret the fret at the highest point where the neck
[08:15.840 –> 08:19.520] meets the body the string is perfectly straight now in the middle there should
[08:19.520 –> 08:24.360] be free play and a good way to check that is just hitting the string you
[08:24.360 –> 08:29.360] should hear a clacky sound because the string flicking on the neck you see
[08:29.360 –> 08:34.880] there’s no sound at all the string is now lying flat on the frets meaning the
[08:34.920 –> 08:39.400] guitar is having a back bow luckily we can easily fix this but we got to keep
[08:39.400 –> 08:43.520] our mind at it so imagine that the strings are trying to pull the neck this
[08:43.520 –> 08:48.560] way right and by fastening the rod we pull the neck the other way around so
[08:48.560 –> 08:53.160] by loosening the truss rods we give into the strings so the neck becomes more an
[08:53.160 –> 08:58.360] up bow and by fastening the truss rods we counter the string pool the other way
[08:58.360 –> 09:01.800] around so if you just think about it like that it’s easy to remember so right
[09:01.800 –> 09:07.760] we create more of a back bow left we create more of an up bow so the truss
[09:07.760 –> 09:12.840] rod on this SG is tightened too fast since there is a back bow so righty-tighty
[09:12.840 –> 09:18.440] lefty-loosey again let’s turn this one left and always do it with small
[09:18.440 –> 09:22.960] increments one-fourth
[09:23.520 –> 09:28.680] return the guitar see if we fix some of the issues
[09:33.640 –> 09:42.360] Wow so the problem is almost entirely gone now amazing there’s a little bit of
[09:42.360 –> 09:51.360] buzz still maybe you can hear it without a guitar so I’m giving it one-eighth of
[09:51.360 –> 10:00.200] a turn and that should be it final check
[10:00.200 –> 10:07.280] beautiful you see how such a small turn does so
[10:07.280 –> 10:17.120] much to the guitar that’s it so on your guitar the truss rod may be adjusted
[10:17.120 –> 10:21.440] with an Allen wrench always be a little bit careful when adjusting the truss rod
[10:21.440 –> 10:25.080] if it doesn’t move or there’s too much friction don’t overdo it over tighten it
[10:25.080 –> 10:28.440] because it can damage the guitar it always should feel very natural and
[10:28.440 –> 10:33.840] should move easily so we can also measure the gap with feeler gauges but
[10:33.840 –> 10:38.120] that’s not as easy as it sounds I prefer the tap test so let’s see if there is a
[10:38.120 –> 10:44.480] gap right now ah yes do you hear a tapping sound so that means there is a
[10:44.480 –> 10:51.360] gap between the string and the neck let’s do it over here yeah there’s two
[10:51.360 –> 10:58.080] so we fixed the neck awesome so if there’s too much of an up bow so too
[10:58.200 –> 11:03.840] much space in between the strings frets can buzz at the higher registers so we
[11:03.840 –> 11:07.200] need to fasten the truss rod a little bit more to see if the neck comes down
[11:07.200 –> 11:10.680] a little bit so if you fix the neck it’s time to get back to the action and see
[11:10.680 –> 11:14.640] if there are some things we can do it’s always a play between the neck and the
[11:14.640 –> 11:19.000] action you know to get it all right anyway let’s move on to another
[11:19.000 –> 11:23.400] adjustment that makes all the difference and let’s do that on the
[11:23.400 –> 11:31.880] thread because I was noticing some serious issues and I’m talking about the
[11:31.880 –> 11:36.880] intonation so this is basically that the pitch of every note is the pitch that it
[11:36.880 –> 11:42.360] should be sounds logical right but it’s not always that easy so if you hit that
[11:42.360 –> 11:45.420] high note and it sounds a little bit too sharp or you play a chord higher up the
[11:45.420 –> 11:49.160] neck and it sounds like out of tune that’s probably an intonation issue
[11:49.640 –> 11:54.480] there’s literally nothing more annoying so how do we fix that so at the bridge
[11:54.480 –> 11:59.400] of the guitar we see these saddles and they are movable and by doing so we make
[11:59.400 –> 12:03.920] the string longer or shorter and basically what we do is make sure that
[12:03.920 –> 12:09.320] fret 12 is exactly in the middle of the string so smack a new set of strings on
[12:09.320 –> 12:15.040] there so we can get clear measurements tune it up and play fret 12 fret and
[12:15.200 –> 12:21.000] play it gently just like you’re about to hit that like button right and now play
[12:21.000 –> 12:28.440] the harmonic too so we play a note we fretted fret 12 gently now we play the
[12:28.440 –> 12:33.760] harmonic so it should be identical in pitch and if you don’t trust your ears
[12:33.760 –> 12:42.040] just use a tuner so I’m hearing the fretted note is too low we go up in
[12:42.040 –> 12:47.860] pitch when you play the harmonic so the string is too long right now because the
[12:47.860 –> 12:51.480] longer string the lower the note the shorter the string the higher the note
[12:51.480 –> 12:56.080] so what we need to do to make the fretted note a little bit higher is move
[12:56.080 –> 13:01.760] the saddle that way very easy and this may look different depending on the kind
[13:01.760 –> 13:04.600] of bridge you’ve got I suggest lowering the string a little bit so the saddle has
[13:04.600 –> 13:10.200] more free play to move and just turn it so that the saddle moves towards the
[13:10.200 –> 13:16.020] headstock just do it with small increments tune up again let’s see if
[13:16.020 –> 13:23.760] we’re more in a ballpark that’s pretty close maybe it’s a little bit too low
[13:23.760 –> 13:26.120] still
[13:26.120 –> 13:41.100] so you see check readjust check again till you’re spot-on and now we do so for
[13:41.100 –> 13:45.440] every string and now your guitar will sound in tune no matter where you play
[13:45.440 –> 13:56.360] on the neck high and low more or less it’s still a guitar anyway so the
[13:56.360 –> 13:59.400] following is something that I discovered a while ago it’s the pickup height
[13:59.400 –> 14:03.840] number four so many pickups just sound so much better when they are a bit lower
[14:03.840 –> 14:09.080] than usually prescribed and that includes factory setup too and maybe it
[14:09.080 –> 14:13.480] has to do with the fact that volume generally impresses more than an actual
[14:13.480 –> 14:17.800] good tone so if you’re comparing two guitars in the store and the one sounds
[14:17.800 –> 14:22.200] louder you automatically think that will sound better but let’s do the test with
[14:22.200 –> 14:27.240] the Gibson ES 335 since I didn’t change those pickups yet I saw that these were
[14:27.240 –> 14:30.680] fairly high at the moment much closer to the strings than my Les Paul for
[14:30.680 –> 14:37.520] example so let’s see what happens when we adjust them so adjusting pickups is
[14:37.520 –> 14:42.440] super easy each pickup has two screws and just turn them down and always
[14:42.480 –> 14:49.120] remember how many turns you did so I’m lowering them by four whole turns and I
[14:49.120 –> 14:53.840] recorded this guitar earlier so let’s see how it compares
[15:42.440 –> 15:46.160] and I gotta say the pickup sounded nicer a little less spiky and more
[15:46.160 –> 15:50.560] balanced also these magnets negatively impact the strings the vibrating of the
[15:50.560 –> 15:55.800] strings so the less that happens the better just remember the position you
[15:55.800 –> 16:00.600] started from as always so you can always bring it back up but lower it till it
[16:00.600 –> 16:05.280] starts to sound thin and then bring it up a notch and you’re set what comes out
[16:05.280 –> 16:09.320] may shock you so really try it yourself as well leave in the comments what your
[16:09.320 –> 16:13.640] experience are with that so next up and that’s maybe the most important of all
[16:13.640 –> 16:19.520] the day-to-day number one fastening the bolts super important when I was still
[16:19.520 –> 16:23.320] teaching you wouldn’t believe the amounts of loose washers bolts and
[16:23.320 –> 16:27.440] screws I saw and by itself it isn’t too much of a problem but it can eventually
[16:27.440 –> 16:33.880] turn into way bigger problems so here’s a few things to regularly check and avoid
[16:34.320 –> 16:39.960] number one the strap button so if these become loose they will start to wiggle
[16:39.960 –> 16:45.440] and the small wiggle will turn into a bigger wiggle until eventually it will
[16:45.440 –> 16:50.200] literally fall out of the guitar meaning your instrument is on the floor and the
[16:50.200 –> 16:54.680] strap is hanging over your neck and we don’t want that right and another classic
[16:54.680 –> 17:01.440] the output jack or the output is loose and wiggles not too much of a deal you
[17:01.440 –> 17:05.280] say until the solder joints will become loose because all of that wiggling and
[17:05.280 –> 17:09.560] your signal is gone and if I learned one thing is that that happens the minute
[17:09.560 –> 17:14.040] you step on that stage next up loose washers and screws on the
[17:14.040 –> 17:18.920] tuners and this can cause major tuning instability check them and make sure to
[17:18.920 –> 17:23.440] not over tighten these be careful other than that there’s cleaning the fretboard
[17:23.440 –> 17:29.480] definitely not my favorite thing but this is what I use I’ve got bottles of
[17:29.480 –> 17:37.160] random sprays and oils this one is very good the magic potion I have no idea
[17:37.160 –> 17:42.320] what’s in it but I got it from my luthier from higher guitar shout out so
[17:42.320 –> 17:46.880] just do it whenever you change strings rub some oil in and just rub away the
[17:46.880 –> 17:51.480] excess dirt do it gently don’t damage the woods I use a microfiber cloth for
[17:51.480 –> 17:56.960] this dirty and use some general guitar care bottles that will treat your guitar
[17:57.040 –> 18:00.680] if you take care of your guitars as gently as you’re about to hit that like
[18:00.680 –> 18:04.920] button we’re all set leave your top guitar care tips in the comments or
[18:04.920 –> 18:09.120] share your thoughts about whatever you want down below and maybe this is a good
[18:09.120 –> 18:12.320] time to say how much I appreciate this community within building over the past
[18:12.320 –> 18:16.840] few years we’re closing in on 2 million and it’s just amazing thank you so much
[18:16.840 –> 18:20.480] catch you guys in the next one

Como fazer

Você pode usar o mesmo tutorial que eu (aqui), ou fazer o seguinte:

Primeiro você precisa de uma conta no Google.

Entre no Google Drive, vá em Novo e “conectar mais apps”

O passo seguinte é buscar por Google Colaboratory e instalar o aplicativo. A instalação será feita dentro do seu drive.

Agora vá mais uma vez no botão “Novo”, clique em “Mais”, e clique no Google Colaboratory.

Antes de começar a testar é necessário fazer uma pequena reconfiguração: clique em Ambiente de execução, e depois em Alterar o tipo de ambiente de execução:

Marque T4GPU

Agora vem a instalação do Whisper AI no Google Colaboratory. Clique na barra de texto ou em + Código para abrir a linha de comando:

Copie e cole essas duas linhas de código. Depois execute clicando no botão que parece de “play”

!pip install git+

!sudo apt update && sudo apt install ffmpeg

Arraste e jogue no menu lateral os vídeos ou áudios que você quiser transcrever. Achei o upload um pouco lento.

Agora bastar voltar novamente à linha de comando (+ Código) e digitar o seguinte:

!whisper “nomedoarquivo.formato” –model medium

No exemplo ficou:

!whisper “The ‘5-STEP SETUP’ every guitarist should know.mp4” –model medium –language English

Usei a determinação de linguagem do vídeo para poupar um pouco de tempo de processamento. No vídeo em português foi –language Portuguese

A Whisper AI coloca o texto decupado dentro da linha de comando (o que está colado acima) e ainda armazena no menu lateral versões txt, srt, json, tsv e vtt que podem ser baixadas.

Como usar o motor de busca do Google como os profissionais

Curso em vídeo disponibilizado pelo (aqui). Vídeo diretamente no youtube aqui.

Vou colocar aqui apenas alguns destaques, alguns bem populares, outros nem tanto.

O motor de busca do Google não busca na web em tempo real. Na realidade, ele busca num índice que ele faz da web, uma grande coleção de dados composta por endereços (IP, URL), metadados, títulos, nomes, datas, temas/assuntos e por aí vai. O algoritmo que deu o ponto de partida do Google foi o Pagerank, desenvolvido em 1996. Quanto mais citado um endereço (“website“), mais à frente ele aparecerá na página de resultados. Hoje muita coisa mudou.


Colocar termo de busca entre parênteses traz apenas resultados com termos exatos

Ex: “aprenda a programar”

Colocar * (asterisco é um wildcard) no termo de busca como substituto de uma palavra que você não sabe ao certo.

Ex: Linus * Linux (quando esqueci o sobrenome)

Colocar – (sinal de subtração) faz exclusão de um termo. Assim, trará resultados que não contenham o termo indesejado.

Ex: website tutorial – jquery (retorna resultados que não mencionam jquery)

Usar AROUND(X) traz resultados dentro de proximidade determinada em número de palavras (X)

Ex: manage AROUND(4) memorý (retorna resultados com os termos aparecendo separados por até 4 palavras de distância) football AROUND(6) ESL (retorna resultados com os termos aparecendo separados por até 6 palavras de distância)

Operadores de data

before:AAAA-MM-DD exemplo: avatar review before:2010

after:AAAA-MM-DD exemplo: python courses after:2022-01-01 (só cursos após a data)
before – after exemplo: superbowl halftime show before:2016 after:2009

Operadores de fonte (delimita origem dos resultados)

site:[url] exemplo: auditing courses (vai buscar somente dentro do
exemplo: data structure
Pode substituir o operador “site” por “search”, dá no mesmo.

filetype:[tipo de arquivo] exemplo: javascript textbook filetype:pdf (não funciona para mp3)
source:[termo] exemplo: amazon source:techcrunch (busca amazon dentro de techcrunch, que é um site)
loc:[local] exemplo: restaurants near me loc:SF (restaurantes em SF)
blogurl: exemplo: blogurl: (busca blogs falando de
cache:[url] exemplo: (mesmo que esteja fora do ar, o goole tem versão em cache)

Operador booleano OR

OR ou | serve para aumentar o número de resultados ao buscar um termo ou outro, sem exclusão.

sintaxe: termo OR termo. first battle of bull run OR battle of manassas*
Tem que ser maiúsculo
*batalha da guerra da civil norte americana que o pessoal do norte chama de um nome, do sul, de outro.

Operador IN
Buscam dentro de metadados da página e/ou elementos HTML
IN URL exemplo: inurl: tutorial (retorna itens com tutorial no endereço URL)
inurl: exemplo: mp3 lofi (retorna mp3, coisa que não dá pra fazer usando filetype)
ALLIN: exemplo: allin: tutorial python app (retorna itens com todos os termos no endereço URL)*
IN Title exemplo: intitle: flutter (retorna iten com “flutter” no elemento )
IN Text exemplo: freecodecamp intext: rust (retorna texto com RUST no freecodecamp)
IN anchor exemplo: freecodecamp inanchor:hero (é o elemento HTML “<a>”)
*ALLIN – recupera somente material com TODOS OS TERMOS (é como AND)

Operadores de utilidade e variados

Sintaxe| função|exemplo

DEFINE | busca no dicionário do google | define:empreendedorismo
RELATED | retorna websites similares |
x IN y | converte a para b | $456 in EUR (só funciona com a primeira sendo dolar)
$ | busca preços | $50 keyboard ou keyboard $10..$50
@ | busca handles de redes sociais | @goldinguy
WEATHER | previsão de tempo | weather:rio de janeiro pode ser clima:rio de janeiro
MAP | traz acesso ao googles maps | map:london
MOVIE | busca filmes | movie:Avengers Endgame
STOCKS | busca ações | stocks:amazon (no brasil pode usar ações
STOPWATCH | contagem regressiva / timer
FLIP A COIN | cara ou coroa
ROLL A DICE | joga vários tipos de dados
Do a barrel roll | tela da uma pirueta (gira sentido horário) pac man | traz o jogo
snake | traz o jogo
tic tac toe | jogo da velha
solitaire | paciência

Google Lens and Image search
Pode usar no computador, arrastando imagem para a caixa de pesquisa; ou no celular usando a câmera. Se vc tem uma imagem com marca d’agua, pode tentar achar uma sem.
Dá para filtrar por cor, clip art etc

Especialized search engines
Google scholar (mostra até o número de citações que os artigos têm)
webofscience é parecido mas precisa de login
exemplo do video: neuroscience author:”Seth Godin” 2022
Sintaxe: termo filtro termo do filtro ano

Google patents (banco de patentes)
exemplo: inventor:(David S. Fleming)

Quando o índice é tudo o que temos

Tenho usado a hemeroteca da Biblioteca, assim como outros conteúdos digitais disponibilizados por ela diretamente como PDF(como:, no meu trabalho diário. Desde a semana passada (12-16/04/2021), contudo, boa parte desse material ficou inacessível por que a Biblioteca Nacional teve seu site hackeado (notícia no G1 aqui). Mas miraculosamente tenho conseguido acessar algumas informações de maneira indireta: por meio dos snippets do motor de busca do Google.

Marcado em amarelo, o snippet que me ajudou hoje.

The term snippet has several meanings in information technology. We are here mainly concerned with the Google snippet or SERP (search engine results page) snippet. A snippet is a short summary of the content of a website that appears in the Google search results. Snippets are generated based on the search term and are presented as part of a search result list.

A questão que resta é: por quanto tempo esses snippets serão mantidos no ar?

Dizem que o motor de busca do Google atualiza o seu índice (que é a fonte dos snippets) em períodos que variam de 4 dias a 4 semanas, portanto, caso o conteúdo da BN não volte ao ar, é possível que esses snippets se percam – para meu azar!

Tentei achar uma resposta decente, mas não encontrei nada a respeito. Refiz a busca mais ou menos uma semana depois, mas não encontrei o mesmo snippet que me ajudou, embora outros snippets tenham se repetido e o link tenha voltado ao ar…

Solid, por uma “nova internet”

Tim Berners-Lee, pai da “Internet” (World Wide Web) traz desde 2016 uma iniciativa para mudar radicalmente como as aplicações na Web funcionam. Permitirá que os usuários tenham mais privacidade e controle sobre seus dados. Ela se chama Solid, acrônimo para social linked data, um projeto de descentralização da Web.

Solid is an exciting new project led by Prof. Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, taking place at MIT. The project aims to radically change the way Web applications work today, resulting in true data ownership as well as improved privacy.

A ideia é que cada um poderá decidir onde seus dados ficarão armazenados e quem poderá ter acesso, alterando a atual cadeia de uso dos dados.

Solid lets people store their data securely in decentralized data stores called Pods. Pods are like secure personal web servers for data. All data in a pod is accessible via the Solid Protocol. When data is stored in someone’s pod, they control who and what can access it.

O primeiro navegador da Web (WorldWideWeb ou Nexus) era também um editor, permitindo não apenas navegar, mas produzir conteúdo.

The first web browser was also an editor. The idea being that not only could everyone read content on the web, but they could also help create it. It was to be a collaborative space for everyone.

However, when the first browser that popularized the web came along, called Mosaic, it included multimedia and editing was taken out. It was considered too difficult a problem. This change was the first curtailing of the web’s promise and spawned an effort led by Tim and others to get the write functionality back. It was dubbed the ‘read-write web’ and led to Richard McManus’ seminal article published in 2003.

The issue with writing data, as Wikipedia and others have learned, is that you need a degree of control over who can write what. That means you need to have permissions to dictate what individuals can do to the data. And to have permissions you need to have a system for identity – a way of uniquely authenticating that an individual is who they purport to be.

Of course the social networks solved this problem within their own systems using their own specific identity and access control, but these were not standard, not interoperable, and gave you no choice in what applications you could use to access that data. You had to have your entire personal or professional life within one silo for it to work. And since the Web is ubiquitous, these silos exist across the data spectrum, from social and medical to financial and civil.

When your data is siloed away from you:

    • You have hardly any visibility into what is being retained.
    • You have little control over how it is used, or who is using it.
    • You have little choice in which applications you can use to access it.
    • It is hard to use as a cohesive unit, specifically because it is siloed, scattered across proprietary vendors, interfaces, and data formats.

All of these factors combine to make it very hard to access all of your own data, and put it to work on your behalf. (SOLID, acessado aos 10/01/2021)

As redes sociais digitais, ao facilitarem a criação, manutenção e a disseminação de conteúdos tornaram-se praticamente uma internet dentro da internet (uma intranet?). Se por um lado, facilitaram a vida das pessoas ao exigir pouco ou nenhum conhecimento de HTML, por outro criaram um praticamente um monopólio sobre conteúdos. WordPress, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, e Tik tok parecem concentrar quase todo conteúdo (criado por pessoas comuns) da internet nos dias hoje (estou chutando).

Why is Solid better?

Solid lets you bring your data together into a decentralized data store called a Pod. It is like a personal Web server for your data.

    • You control the data in your Pod.
    • It is all stored and accessed using standard, open, and interoperable data formats and protocols.
    • Any kind of information can be stored in a Solid Pod.
    • You can share slices of your data with the people, organizations, and applications you choose, and you can revoke that access at any time.

Because everything is interoperable, different applications can read and write the same data, instead of creating new data silos that make your data difficult to use in its entirety.

Consequently, you can do more with your data, because the applications you decide to use can be granted access to a wider and more diverse set of information. This lets them give you more value, without forcing you to relinquish control of what’s yours.

How does Solid work?

A Solid Server hosts one or more Solid Pods, accessible via the Solid Protocol.

A Pod hosted on a Solid Server is fully compartmentalized from any others. It has its own set of data and access rules, and is fully controlled by whoever it belongs to (i.e. you).

You decide where to host your Pod. You can opt to have it hosted for you by an expanding network of Pod Providers, or you can host it yourself.

You can also have more than one Pod, hosted in different places. This is effectively transparent to the applications and services you use, because your data, wherever it is hosted, or data that has been shared with you, is all linked through your Identity.

You can store any kind of data in a Solid Pod, and you can determine who or what can access that data at a granular level, using Solid’s Authentication and Authorization systems.

The linked data model makes the data you store interoperable by using open, standard formats, that can be validated by the Solid Server to ensure data isn’t corrupted by disparate applications.

This means that you can share select portions of your data with other people and groups you trust, or with an emerging ecosystem of applications and services, that can read and write data in your Pod using standard patterns for application interoperability. And just as you can share your data with others, they can also share their data with you. This creates rich and collaborative experiences across a combination of both personal and shared data. (SOLID, acessado aos 10/01/2021)

Ao que parece, o Solid será também uma implementação web semântica.